A team of independent automotive experts with twenty years of experience in market research, data systematization and unique methodology

Our work

Qualitative and quantitative market research

market research

/ Automotive Index

In the course of the research, we interview several thousand consumers and professional market participants.

The aim of the survey is to calculate key indicators for new car sales and after-sales service.

The results of the research – market volume by segments, volume of product groups, fleet “on wheels”, current mileage, current trends and problems of the industry, criteria for choosing spare part manufacturers and car service providers, consumer loyalty to service and sales channels, and product presentation on shelves, including online stores and marketplaces.

More than 150 indicators in total.

Individualized research

/ Ad Hoc

Qualitative and quantitative research designed to meet your unique objectives and needs.

Study of the competitive environment, customer journey, selection criteria, perceived service levels.

Many experienced and new market players use research findings in the development of their distribution strategies, launches of new brands, and strategies for acquiring and retaining customers.

Price Research

 / Pricing

Price dynamics, volume movements, changes in the number of product offers, presented in the form of raw data and visualized with the help of charts.

The period of data updating is from one week to one month.

The operational data displayed on charts allow to determine price trends, to detect the formation of a deficit or signs of market saturation, and to make timely decisions on changing prices or assortment.


INDEX is a team of professionals with more than 20 years of experience in the automotive market in major international and local companies. Index LLC was established in 2023 as a result of localization of the Russian business of the leading global player in the aftermarket analytics market. Products proven by years of work with global brands are complemented by massive data on the Russian market and new solutions. With a strengthened team, we provide a unique service of automotive market analysis based on research and big data.

Who can use our services?

Car manufacturers and

car dealers

  • Consumer research when introducing new brands, models of cars to the market:
    • Car clinique
    • Focus groups
    • Surveys
    • CJM (Customer's journey map)
  • Consumer research in warranty planning:
    • FIS from the drivers' perspective
    • Warranty from the drivers' point of view
    • Drivers' choice criteria for purchasing automotive products and services (maintenance and repair)
    • Drivers' behavior during service
  • Price studies:
    • Total Cost of Ownership – calculation and comparison of car ownership costs
    • Maintenance baskets – monthly dynamics of maintenance costs
  • Customer Experience Research:
    • Mystery Shopper
    • Perceived Service Level Assessment 360º
Мanufacturers and distributors of automotive components
  • Analysis of the vehicle fleet:
    • Number, structure dynamics of fleet changes
  • Research of sales channel efficiency:
    • Shelf representation in b2b and b2c channels (including marketplaces)
    • Price monitoring in b2b and b2c channels (including marketplaces)
  • Consumer research:
    • Product preferences
    • Brand image
    NEW! Assessment of perceived level of service 3600 from the point of view of a professional consumer (b2b clients)
  • NEW! Private Label:
    • Private Label Positioning
    • Complex branding
    • Development and implementation of promotional activities among professional consumers
Auto Service Retail


  • Analysis of the vehicle fleet:
    • Number, structure dynamics of fleet changes,
    • Forecast of fleet parameters – mileage, age structure
  • Research of sales channel efficiency:
    • Price monitoring in b2b and b2c channels (including marketplaces)
  • Purchasing efficiency research:
    • Price monitoring in b2b channels
  • Consumer research:
    • Product preferences
    NEW! Evaluation of the perceived level of service 360º from the end user's point of view

Our benefits


Our team has more than 20 years of industry experience. Throughout this time, we have been providing high quality analytics to the largest players in the market: car manufacturers, producers, distributors, and retailers of spare parts, oils, tires, and other automotive products. Our clients include participants of the international analytics market, the largest Internet trading platforms, insurance and financial institutions. Using our services, clients benefit from the professionalism and expertise of our specialists


Our services are used by the largest market players competing for market leadership. Our 100% independence and complete objectivity allows us to provide data and research to market leaders for many years.

Data Quality

The methodologies we use are field-tested and endorsed by market leaders. Our data sources are always up-to-date and available for independent verification.

Data Scope

We use validated product offering data at the B2B and B2C level, 35+ million SKUs in the database, 12+ months back, 13 price levels from EXW to retail shelf. Our network consists of data suppliers and partners in 17 countries.

Команда INDEX

Image Description
Виталий Кравец




Image Description
Юрий Шевцов


аналитического отдела

Image Description
Сергей Бочаров

Руководитель направления

ценовых исследований

Image Description
Павел Лунин


по развитию


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Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

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+7 499 110 20 03

Moscow, Gorbunova st, 12 bld 2

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